WIS House System

The WIS House System began during the 2017-18 school year after a group of our teachers attended a professional learning day at the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, Georgia. Inspired by the house system at RCA, and its unique way of helping students build community, these teachers brought the idea back to WIS and implemented the house system here. Students are sorted into houses by spinning the wheel in the main hallway. Once they spin, they will be in that house for the rest of their time at WIS. (Houses are in no way connected to certain teachers or teams.) New teachers and staff also spin the wheel and become part of a house. Each house represents a character trait (green - courage, blue - dreamers, yellow - givers, red - friendship). Throughout the year, students earn points for academic excellence, acts of kindness, and participation. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is the winner and receives a special field trip.

Past House Winners:

2018 - green

2019 - green

2020 - blue

2021 - blue

2022 - green

2023 - red

2024 - ?

WIS Wheel